In a small village, there lived a little boy named "Boku-kun." He deeply admired the great teacher "SENSEI." One night, the cherished village church was destroyed. No matter how much Boku-kun tried to persuade the other villagers to rebuild it, the adults only made excuses. Even though they should be following SENSEI's teachings just like him, the adults would not understand him. In search of the "true meaning" that Sensei had taught, Boku-kun leaves the village on his own...
what is work? what does it mean to work? in these times, we seek to reflect on these qustions through this precious piece. it's a story created with the hope of rekindling forgotten emotions amidst. the hustle and bustle of every day. This project is a labor of love has taken three years of planning and production from picture book to animation.
KAGARIBI ― The Beginning
A reclusive young man had studied extensively and amassed a wealth of knowledge, yet he couldn't apply it in society. However, he had a passion for illustration and had been drawing ever since he was ten years old. Seeing his artwork, we thought, "Perhaps through his illustrations, he can move people's hearts and give courage to those in situations similarto his own."Thus, our challenge began.
SHIDŌ ― Thoughts and Wishes
To create a picture book and have it placed in bookstores nationwide, so it could be read by children who have drifted away from picture books, adults scarred by the stress of society, and many other people. And finally, to have it not only provide comfort to its readers, but also offer just a little bit of learning within its pages. It is with toughts and hopes like these that we brought this project into the world.
NOZOMI ― Looking Ahead
We want people are wounded, children who are tired of our hetic society, and adults to take break to remember the feelings and emotions that they have forgotten in a world of fantasy.
that is what we consider our ultimate goal.
Backing us from the perspectives of welfare and picture book production,
we have official support from the following individuals.
Naoya Sugiura / Radio Personality and Entertainer
Born on December 11, 1979, in Shiga Prefecture. Known for radio programs
such as FM Shiga 7.70 e-radio "Catch" and FM Move "KOBE HEARTY RADIO."
Mio / Voice Actor and Narrator
Born on December 25, 1985, in Shiga Prefecture. Notable works include THE KING OF FIGHTERS
(as Sylvie Paula Paula) and narrator for ABC TV's "Be-Bop High School. "
Yoshimi Shibae / Rakugo P erformer
Born on January 21, 1980, in Shiga Prefecture. Known for appearances on MBS TV's "Rakugo no Jikan" and ABC TV's "Narumi & Okamura's Sugiru TV."